Year-Round Swimming
Join us in our year round commitment to fitness, safety and swimming.
Summer is wild and fun. Weekly lessons give the hours of summer swimming some structure and motivation to practice better skills.
Fall swimming helps our students maintain their skills and confidence as the routine of the school year returns. Build on it, work on it and let them learn skills that will make their lifetime water experiences all the more comfortable and rewarding.
Winter lessons are great! Children who attend swimming lessons once per week all year long become much calmer and more efficient in the water. They develop a “feel” for the water that helps them become more confident swimmers. Once they have this confidence then they can improve their strokes and technique.
Children learn best through a routine that is familiar and predictable. We will learn a routine and build new skills into each lesson. Our goal is for each student to become comfortable, safe swimmers who understand buoyancy and balance in the water.

Baby Swim
- 30-minute classes ages 6 months-36 months (3 years).
- 6 babies (with adults) per class maximum.
Little Froggy Classes (Baby & Me): 6 – 36 months old
The Little Froggy classes offer social opportunities, unrestricted physical activity and exercises to aid in becoming comfortable in water in preparation for continued swim skill building through the years. Each child has an adult (parent or other) with them at all times. This class includes an introduction to water safety and primary water skills; including back floats, submersions, rollover breathing and water play in a fun, family friendly environment.
Cloth reusable swim diapers are REQUIRED for all students under the age of 3, even those who are potty trained.
Learn to Swim
- 30-minute classes ages 36 months (3 years) and up.
- 3 students per class maximum.
Tadpole: Introduction to the basic skills necessary for swimming. For nervous or fearful students. We work on comfort, submersions, and back floats.
Goldfish: Must be comfortable underwater and on their back. We work on rollover breathing, back floats and independence in the water.
Jellyfish: Must be able to backfloat independently and roll over on to their back for a breath. We work on arm pulls and rollovers, fundamental backstroke, introduction to butterfly kick, and diving to the bottom of the pool.
Octopus: Must be able to swim across the pool with kicks, arm pulls, and rolling over onto back to breathe. We focus on freestyle with side breathing, back stroke and kicks for butterfly and breaststroke.
Stroke Development
- 30-minute classes.
- 4-6 students max per class.
Lobster: Must have mastered freestyle and backstroke, and solid kicks for butterfly and breaststroke. We focus on all four strokes and endurance.
Hammerhead Juniors: Must know the fundamentals of all four competitive strokes. We focus on refining the four competitive strokes through specific stroke drills.
Hammerhead Seniors: We focus on technique, endurance, and continue to refine the four strokes and individual medley events while swimming the length of our pool.